Strategic & Creative Foresight
Helping organisations look for signals within and outside their field of expertise, using divergent thinking to generate challenging visions for useful futures. The learnings from these speculated futures can be backcast into roadmaps, illustrated through design fiction projects, to inform actionable strategies and communication efforts.
Collaborative Futuring
Leading experiential worldbuilding workshops and collective imagination sessions with teams to identify points of convergence or divergence between individual visions, and resolve them by building collaboratively-built and collectively-owned futures. This promotes consensus in radical new ideas rather than compromise by averaging current expectations.
Speculative Provotypes
Challenging current visions through radical design fiction pieces that question both general and industry-specific innovation practices, relocating the debate away from "what if" and toward "what now". This process helps proactively explore the potential implications and trade-offs of different paths of change, and is therefore useful as a strategic thinking and planning tool.
Fictional Presentations
Giving a special moment for speculative provotypes to exist by pitching them as make-believe projects, discussing details of their immediate or short-term implementation instead of questioning their feasibility. Such interventions invite audiences to suspend disbelief, and have the potential to raise and debate important questions in isolation from their usual context.
Futures Literacy Coaching
Assisting teams with developing their own futures-centered practice by presenting tools and references for building a routine around creative foresight, collective imagination, and speculative design. Doing so can help teams overcome problems due to a deficit of coherent and shared vision, and let their member innovate and thrive in the professional environment.
We've worked together before
Accenture Digital — Fjord
Akademie der Künste Berlin
Betahaus xBetahaus Academy
BMBF — German Federal Ministry for Education and Research
Berlin Kulturforum
Berlin Senate Department for Culture and Communication
Connected Communities Conference
Conjectural Futures Conference
Creative Bureaucracy Festival — Falling Walls Foundation
CTM Vorspiel
Design School Kolding
Deutsche Bahn Mindbox
Deutsch-Französischen Bürgerfonds
DG for Research & Innovation of the European Commission
ERA Barcelona
École Supérieure d'Art et Design Le Havre-Rouen
EU Policy Lab of the European Commission
Foresight on Demand
Fundación Telefónica
Goethe Institut
Hasso Platner Institute of Design at Stanford
Infopro Digital
Institute for Advanced Sustainable Studies Potsdam
Institutul de Prospectiva
Laboratorio Para La Ciudad Mexico City
Minerva University
Musée des Beaux Arts d'Agen
NODE Forum for Digital Arts
ÖFIT — Fraunhofer FOKUS
Open Source Ecology
Paris College of Art
Salone del Mobile di Milano
SAP Digital
Space 10 — IKEA
STATE Studios
Stiftung Preußiger Kulturbesitz — Museum 4.0
The Sooner Now — Freunde Von Freunden — Mini
TU Berlin
University of Applied Sciences Europe
Volkswagen Stiftung
Weizenbaum Institute for the Networked Society
ZHdK — Zurich University of the Arts
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